Musuko Karate Academy

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Kyu Club Grading - Sunday 29th March 2020.

Cardinal Allen High School, Melbourne Avenue, Fleetwood, FY7 8AY.

1 - 3.30 pm for all grades

All students should aim to arrive 15 - 20 minutes before the start of the grading to give themselves time to warm up and stretch off, they should also bring with them all kumite equipment, their licence book for updating if not already handed in and lots of water.

Family and friends are very welcome to watch and show their support, but please could we ask that all observers are respectful to others - particularly those grading and that all phones are set to silent

England Call Up For Brandon Crowther


Congratulations to our Elite squad member Brandon Crowther who have an intense selection process in Walsall was successfully selected to join the England Karate Team and to represent his country at the WKF Cadet, Junior and U21 World Championships in Santiago, Chile in October this year.

English Male Cadet Champion Brandon who successfully defended his English title to have back to back Championship wins in 2018 and 2019 is delighted to have been chosen and is now working as hard as ever both on his technical kata performances and strength and conditioning training ahead of the tournament. 

From everyone at Musuko Karate Academy we wish Brandon and all the England Karate Team much success at the Championships when they fly out to Chile from Heathrow Airport on the 19th October.


June Black Belt Grading - Results

On Sunday 23rd June we held our black belt grading for eleven students who were attempting the grades of Shodan-Ho, Shodan or Nidan.

Thank you to everyone who gave up their day to either be on the grading panel or assist with the grading - Senior Instructors Sensei Martin Thomas, Sensei Gavin Oliphant, Sensei Martin Wilmot, Sensei Del Knowles, Club Instructors Sensei Julie Dudley, Sensei Paul Webber and Sensei Jack Churchouse, and Junior Instructors Ben Churchouse and Alfie Appleby, as always your help and support is hugely appreciated.

The spectators at the side were of course as brilliant as ever. The atmosphere in the room was very supportive and it was great to see parents, family members and friends not only encouraging their own loved ones but every other student who was grading too.

This support is fantastic and it’s what makes our club so special. We have a terrific network of families around us and our reputation both as a club and a tournament squad team is definitely recognised and commented on regularly both at seminars and external competitions the squad attend.

To gain grades of Shodan-Ho, Shodan and Nidan takes many, many years of dedication, commitment, sweat and even sometimes tears! The euphoria when you achieve these grades though is ecstatic and is what makes these grades so special.

Congratulations to each and every one of you who obtained these grades. You all have weaknesses and strengths in different areas but your combined effort and sheer determination at the grading is what makes you all so special.

William Marland – Shodan-Ho
William is a lovely polite student and has trained regularly at the Fleetwood dojo’s since being a white belt. He always tries his best in classes, is an absolute pleasure to teach and has come so far both with his karate and confidence. William rarely misses classes and he has made good steady progress throughout his grades. At the grading William worked hard from the start, he showed great kata’s and basics and his attendance of senior class has definitely helped his development. In the kumite section William kept his cool and just kept going no matter what, when pushed it didn’t particularly trouble him and he showed some great respect for sparring partners. Congratulations William – a very well deserved Shodan-Ho grade. Keep up the great work!

Lydia-May Geddes – Shodan-Ho
Lydia is one of our popular young female students in the Fleetwood dojo’s. She always works hard in classes, is a great student to teach and is friendly and polite. We have some great promising students within the club and Lydia is definitely living up to this expectation. Her effort and determination at her Shodan-Ho grading was very good. She has  worked hard leading up to the grading and it all payed off for Lydia on the day, where she displayed good practiced basics and kata’s and some nice controlled kumite. Congratulations Lydia on your Shodan-Ho, you have made fantastic progress. Well done!

Georgia Jackson – Shodan-Ho
Georgia is another of our very talented young females within the club. She is an absolute pleasure to have in class, is always smiling and polite and tries her hardest at everything she does. Popular with other young females of her age Georgia has made lots of friends and has great support from her mum Sensei Karen as well as Sensei Gavin. At the grading Georgia was determined to let nothing faze her and she worked tirelessly all afternoon. Her basics, kata’s and combinations had all been practiced well and her kumite was good with nice control and distance. I’ve no doubt Georgia will continue with this fantastic effort and attitude as she progresses forward. Congratulations on your Shodan-Ho Georgia, brilliant work!

Max Gray – Shodan
Max is a great student to have in the club and an absolute pleasure to teach. Along with his brother Kieron he hardly ever misses training and this has definitely helped his confidence in classes. Max attends every event we hold and really enjoys his karate. He always tries his hardest in classes and is improving consistently. At the grading Max’s kata’s and basics were clean and he had a good understanding of what was expected. His kumite rounds were good and nice and controlled and he was not afraid to step up to a challenge. I am so pleased for this young man – he is an absolute credit to himself and his family and it was brilliant to see him achieve his Shodan grade. Congratulations Max keep up the fantastic work!

Emma Mackie – Shodan
Emma is a brilliant student to teach, she takes her karate very seriously and was determined to gain her Shodan grade no matter what. Despite her daughter recently having major surgery Emma was soon back in the dojo showing what a steely and driven character Emma has. Her attitude to her training is always fantastic and she tries her hardest at everything she does. At the grading Emma was very focused from the start – her attitude to every section was super switched on and she has significantly improved in all areas since her Shodan-Ho grade. Her kata’s, combinations and basics were all executed confidently, and she had lovely loud kia’s which was brilliant to see. Kumite has never really troubled Emma and once again she showed great composure, understanding and distance showing why she definitely deserved her Shodan grade. Congratulations Emma, you did yourself and your family proud. Well  done!

Connor Mooney – Shodan

Connor is another great student who since returning to karate has tried hard in class. Connor regularly trains and then puts whatever he has been shown into practice, and overall, he has strong karate with good kimae. On the grading day Connor focused hard from the start he was very determined to get through each section as cleanly as possible. His katas were lovely and clean and had been practiced well, and in the kumite section Connor did try hard but when pushed his control and distance started to fade and he had to be reminded to keep them in check. Connor pulled it around though and finished the section well.Keep working hard in classes  Connorand Congratulations on your Shodan grade

Karen Jackson - Shodan
Karen is another of our brilliant female adults in the club. She is a great student to teach and is always helpful and focused. As a Sensei she is excelling in teaching on Thursday evenings along with Sensei Kirsty and they are doing a brilliant job. Karen has come such a long way with her confidence and is finally starting to believe in herself more. After her Shodan-Ho grade Karen ramped up her fitness regime in preparation for her Shodan grade and this is something to definitely be applauded for. Karen always tries her hardest in classes and is a great student to teach, all her efforts and hard work are paying off and this was truly lovely to witness. Karen worked hard all afternoon at the grading, she was much more confident and determined in all areas than at her last grading and has significantly improved both in her kata’s and kumite. All areas were no trouble for Karen and her fitness level definitely helped her throughout. Congratulations Karen on your Shodan grade. Keep up the fantastic work you’re doing!

Kieron Gray -  Nidan
Kieron is a very talented student who continues to improve all the time. He is very dedicated to his training and this is all really paying off for him. He is a fantastic student to have in the club and tries hard in every lesson. Attending both senior class and squad training on Friday evenings has definitely helped Kieron massively improve and he now has strong karate in all areas. On the grading day Kieron worked hard all day – he has considerably advanced since his Shodan grade - and was strong in all areas displaying some lovely kata’s and brilliant basics. In the kumite section Kieron showed maturity and control with some lovely kumite kicks and distance while at the same time having respect to his sparring partners. Congratulations Kieron on your Nidan grade. Brilliant work from you as always. Well done!

Kirsty Churchouse – Nidan
Sensei Kirsty is a great female role model to have in the club and is a really loyal supporter and fantastic student. Kirsty is one very determined lady and nothing gets in her way! She is doing a brilliant job as a Sensei on Thursday evening’s as well as being a great student in class and tries her hardest at everything she does. Kirsty has increased her fitness regime so she was fully prepared for her Nidan grade. This is an amazing attitude to have and her karate has and continues to improve all the time as a result. At the grading Kirsty worked really hard throughout and was determined to fulfil her Nidan grade.  Her kata’s had been practiced well and she was confident going through them which was great to see. In the kumite section Kirsty worked and was pushed hard, but never gave in! Kirsty’s attitude is formidable and to see her achieve her Nidan grade was fantastic. Her sheer drive to succeed is fantastic, and she is always a pleasure to teach. Congratulations Kirsty, you thoroughly deserved your Nidan, very well done!

Oliver Spencer – Nidan
Oliver is a lovely and polite young man, who is a pleasure to have in the dojo. He has good all round karate and always tries his hardest in every class. Oliver has brilliant attendance and rarely misses a class. He is a popular student in the club and has made some good friends. He  is a great role model for our younger male students to aspire to and he is a pleasure to teach. Oliver has really nice kata’s that are strong in all areas, as well as having good basics and combinations. He has continued to work hard since achieving his Shodan grade and all this has helped him to have strong karate in all areas as well as having good controlled kumite. On the grading day Oliver did brilliantly in every section, his focus and determination were clear to see, and all his movements were sharp and strong. His confidence has increased and it was great to see how much he has improved and could cope under pressure. Well done Oliver and many congratulations on your Nidan grade. Keep up the fantastic work!

Katie Knowles - Nidan
Katie is a great student to have in classes. She is kind and caring with a lovely gentle personality and she loves to assist in classes - teaching the younger ones along with her dad Sensei Del. Katie has all the attributes of a great leader and I’m sure would make a great Sempai in the future if this is something she wants to pursue. Katie has worked hard leading up to her Nidan grade – she has practiced both her kata’s and combinations endlessly and been put through her paces rigorously in Senior class by her dad, so she was very prepared for the grading day. Katie has trained in karate for many years now and her perseverance and determination is something for the younger students to aspire to. She never gives up and keeps going determined to make the next grade or to achieve those new combinations or kata no matter what. Katie did very well at her grading she gave every section her all and she did herself and her family proud. Her combinations and kata’s were all clean and in the kumite section she just kept going no matter what, while all the time being composed and respectful. She also smiled and sometimes even giggled during her kumite, coping brilliantly with this section and really helping her sparring partners to relax.  Congratulations on your Nidan Katie. Very well deserved. Well done!

June Kyu Club Grading - Results.

Our Kyu club grading on Sunday 9th June for the grades of 10th Kyu White belt right through to students attempting the grade of 1st Kyu – the final Kyu grade before Black belt, was a fantastic afternoon full of determined students with great attitudes all intent on succeeding to their next levels.  

Every student really came into their own and showed off some fantastic karate. It was a very memorable grading for lots of different reasons and I’m proud to say once again we had a complete pass rate and all successfully achieved their next Kyu grades,

Thank you to everyone who helped to assist on the day – Senior Instructors Sensei Gavin Oliphant, Sensei Martin Thomas, Sensei Del Knowles and Sensei Martin Wilmot, Sensei Jack Churchouse, Sensei Kirsty Churchouse, Sensei Paul Webber and Sensei Karen Jackson,  Junior Instructor’s Nathan Crowther, Ben Churchouse and Alfie Appleby. Sempai’s Laura Brogden, Lisa McKenzie and Lorna Lightfoot and Junior Sempai’s Brandon Crowther and Katie Knowles, and admin work and preparation by Sensei Yvonne Crowther.   As always, your help was much appreciated and without this support grading's would be difficult tasks to run smoothly and successfully achieve.  

A special mention must go too to the parents and friends who encouraged and applauded as always all afternoon. Your support really spurred on those grading – so thank you!

All the kyu grades did exceptionally well, from the students attempting that first nervous grading of Yellow belt - not quite sure what to expect but thoroughly enjoying the challenge nonetheless  -  right through to students going for Senior grades of Brown belt and above and realising that a Black belt is now firmly within their sights - each student showed impressively  why they had been put forward for their next grade.

Congratulations to our new Yellow, Orange and Green belts – great work from this group. You are all showing huge potential in classes and at the grading worked really hard! Well done!

There were a number of students attempting 6th Kyu Red belt, 5th Kyu Blue belt and 4th Kyu Purple belt levels and within these grades there were students still relatively young who coped brilliantly all afternoon. Also within this group are some very talented students who moving forward are definitely ones to watch for the future, well done to you all!

As a club that encourages and supports everyone – we always give a special mention by name to those students attaining the grades of 3rd Kyu and above, as these grades take many years of practice, dedication and training, so it’s rightly so that their hard work is recognised.

Many congratulations therefore to the following students:

Michelle Lacy -3rd Kyu

Michelle is one of our female adults at the Chorley class where she has steadily trained since being a white belt. She is a great student to have in class and has made great progress since returning from an injury which saw her taking a break from karate but she is now definitely back into full training regime again. Michelle always tries her best in class and her confidence and belief in her own training is now starting to show. Michelle was a little hesitant before her grading and had some self-doubts if she was ready, but she needn’t have worried, Michelle did brilliantly all afternoon showing some lovely basics and stances and great kata’s. She also coped with the kumite extremely well and handled every situation unfazed and I think she even surprised herself with how well she did. Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu Michelle – brilliant work!

Jake Smith – 3rd Kyu

Jake is a real little character in the dojo, he is an absolute pleasure to teach and always tries is best at everything he does. He has trained at the Fleetwood dojo’s since being a white belt and has progressed well through his grades. His little ninja sounds (shoo, shoo, shoo) when he’s training are very funny, and he has very fast reflexes for his age. Jake never misses training, and this is a real testament to his attitude and determination. On the grading day Jake did very well he worked tirelessly all afternoon displaying great stances and basics, his kata’s had been practiced well and in the kumite section he never tired all afternoon and showed some brilliant kicks and control. Well done young man – awesome work and Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu!

Jack McKenzie – 3rd Kyu

Jack is a lovely quiet natured student – he works hard in classes and tries his best to do what is being shown of him. Sempai Lisa McKenzie is a great role model for him both naturally as his parent, and as a teacher as Lisa is great at coaxing and encouraging all students in classes and it was clear to see that Jack has been working hard with Sempai Lisa before the grading– well done to you both! On the grading day Jack worked hard all afternoon and was determined to show why he really deserved his 3rd Kyu, his basics were lovely and clean, his stances were completed with real confidence and in the kumite section he handled all his sparring partners effectively and with good control. Well done Jack – keep up the great work! Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu!

Joshua Lacy – 3rd Kyu

Joshua is a little pocket rocket who has trained at the Chorley dojo with his dad Matthew since being very young. He is a great student to teach in class, always enthusiastic and has some fantastic stances and kata’s. He always tries his best at everything he does and is always super keen to learn new things. On the grading day Joshua worked tirelessly from the start, he displayed his well-practiced and rehearsed kata’s, stances and basics and nothing fazed him all afternoon. In the kumite section Joshua coped brilliantly with all his sparring partners showing he has vastly improved in this area since he last graded. Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu Joshua – fantastic work!

Isaac Lacy – 2nd Kyu

Isaac has been training at the Chorley dojo for quite a number of years now and started karate when he was really young regularly training alongside his dad John and mum Michelle. Isaac is a lovely polite student and an absolute pleasure to have in the dojo. He had progressed through his grades steadily and has kept going no matter what. Over the last twelve months Isaac has really started to improve, he tries hard in classes and was definitely ready to go for his 2nd Kyu grade. On the grading day Isaac was really strong throughout and worked hard all day. He showed some well-rehearsed kata’s and some lovely hip work and stances. In the kumite section Isaac coped with all situations very well and showed that he is maturing in his karate and understanding.  Isaac is now definitely coming into his own and I’m sure will continue this great work over the coming months. Well done Isaac and many Congratulations on your 2nd Kyu!

Bethany Bradford – 1st Kyu
Bethany is an absolute pleasure to teach and is a popular student amongst the other girls in the club. Rarely missing classes Bethany always pays attention and tries her hardest at everything she does. She is also such a thoughtful student and although seems very mildly natured – inside she has a real steely determination.  Bethany did brilliantly at her grading, she worked tirelessly all afternoon with a big smile on her face - even in the kumite when pushed!  Bethany’s kata’s were very clean and had been practiced well and she displayed some lovely stances and basics with a calm but determined approach. Bethany was pushed particularly hard in the kumite section but seemed completely unfazed and coped brilliantly with all her sparring partners. I’ve no doubt Bethany will continue her great attitude  as she trains towards her black belt and will work on having a louder Kia, something she will need to address as an essential part of her black belt grading assessment.  Well done Bethany, splendid work – keep it going. Many Congratulations on your 1st Kyu!

Gary Churchouse – 1st Kyu

Gary has trained at the Fleetwood dojo’s since a white belt and has progressed well through his grades. He is a great student to have in the dojo, with a real character and always tries his hardest in everything he does. He is a popular member of the club, always supportive in everything we do and is renowned for his entertaining kumite sessions at gradings!  Gary worked hard all afternoon at the grading, from the start he showed some nice clean practiced katas and good basics and he has definitely improved since his last graded.  He coped well with the kumite section, despite being pushed particularly hard at times for his 1st Kyu but showed great resilience and determination throughout and never stopped even though he was very tired at the end.  Well done Gary! Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu, keep training hard, awesome work!


March Kyu Club Grading - Results -


On Sunday 10th March we held our first club Kyu grading of the year at Cardinal Allen High School Fleetwood, for students attempting their first grade of 9th Kyu yellow belt right through to one student attempting their 1st Kyu grade.

I am pleased to say we had a 100% pass rate on the day – this is partially due to the pre-assessment - where students are looked at prior to the grading day and failed at this level if they are not ready to move forward and need more time; and to the Instructor Team and Sempai’s who do a fantastic job week in, week out dedicating their time to teaching students and preparing them for their next grades.

Each grading is very different from the last but the dedication and high attendance numbers remain the same and a big thank you must go to the parents and family members who commit their time to driving their children and family members to classes and observing and supporting from the sides both at classes and on grading days.

We had a number of students attending their very first grading and some of these were very young, all the white belts worked hard all afternoon and handled the grading and what was asked of them brilliantly. Well done to all our new yellow belts!

The grades of our new 8th Kyu Orange belts to 4th Kyu purple belts also worked extremely hard throughout the grading and there are some students with brilliant potential coming through the ranks, some of these students have increased their training from once to twice a week and it definitely showed! Well done to everyone within this group – Congratulations on your new belts. Keep training hard and attending classes regularly and the grades will come.

We always mention by name those students who have obtained the grade of 3rd Kyu and above as to get to these grades takes many years of determination, effort and commitment.

Obstacles sometimes come up to challenge you, particularly in these higher grades and lots of doubts can form. The battle is always within yourself, and the development of a student’s character will always deify if they will make it to a black belt ranking and beyond.

Hamish Collins – 3rd Kyu
Hamish has trained at the Lowton class for a number of years and in the past six months has increased his training to twice a week. Hamish is a very quiet natured student who is always pleasant in class and has improved greatly since his last grading. On the grading day Hamish tried his hardest all day, he is starting to put more kimae into his kata’s and his kumite skills are also better with a little more understanding. There are still a number of significant things Hamish needs to work on before moving forward in his grades, but he has immediately started senior class since obtaining his 3rd Kyu and is showing a great attitude to his training. Well done Hamish, keep working hard and those grades will come. Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu!

Rachel Wilmot – 3rd Kyu
Rachel has been training at the Blackpool dojo’s and has steadily progressed through her grades. She rarely misses classes and is dedicated to her training. Rachel tried her hardest on the grading day and has significantly improved since obtaining her 4th Kyu. Her kata’s and basics were a lot cleaner than at previous gradings and she seemed to carry much more confidence when going through her stances. Rachel did struggle a little in areas of the kumite section when pushed and her kumite is something that still needs work to increase her understanding of distance and control, however she kept going and didn’t give in despite being very tired. Now Rachel is a 3rd Kyu grade she needs to start regularly attending senior class to develop her further and help her obtain her higher Kyu grade levels, black belt and beyond. Well done on your 3rd Kyu Rachel - keep working hard. Congratulations!

Nick Snowden-Pears – 3rd Kyu
Nick is one of our great adult male students in the club, he has a fantastic attitude to his karate always giving 100% in classes and rarely missing any training sessions. He is an absolute pleasure to teach and tries his hardest at everything he does. Nick continues to improve from grading to grading and now he has started senior class I’m sure this will increase even more. Nick was brilliant at the grading – he worked tirelessly all afternoon and gave every section his all. His basics and kata’s were nice and clean and he handled every kumite section confidently with great kicks, blocks and punches all the while respecting all his sparring partners, showing how much he is improving in this area. Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu Nick – a thoroughly deserved grade!

Lorna Lightfoot – 3rd Kyu
Lorna is another fantastic female student with a great attitude towards her karate. She is an absolute pleasure to teach and is now taking her karate very seriously. She is starting to believe in herself much more and her great dedication towards her training saw her awarded with the role of Sempai at our yearly presentation evening back in December. Lorna did brilliantly at her grading she took everything in her stride and worked hard all afternoon. She is attending senior class regularly and this has helped her kata’s and stances improve greatly. Well done Lorna, great work - you should be very proud of your progress. Congratulations on your 3rd Kyu.

Nicola Snowden-Pears – 2nd Kyu
Nicola is another of our amazing female students who has a fantastic approach to her karate training and rarely misses any classes. She is an absolute pleasure to teach with a great personality and is always smiling. She always gives 100% and tries her hardest at everything she does. Nicola is a regular trainer of senior class and is improving vastly in all areas because of this. On the grading day Nicola worked hard all afternoon her kata’s were tidy and taken with great confidence, her basics were lovely and clean and her kumite had great distance and understanding. Nothing really troubled Nicola all afternoon and I am really pleased with her progress. Very well-done Nicola – a very deserved 2nd Kyu. Congratulations!

Mandy Chalk – 2nd Kyu
Mandy is a fab student to have in the dojo, she is a pleasure to teach and always tries her hardest at everything she does. Regularly training and rarely missing classes including senior class, Mandy is very consistent and has a great attitude both in regular and senior classes. She is starting to make good progress but needs to believe in herself more now to gain confidence within her karate and to continue to enable her to move forward. Mandy did really well on her grading – there were no issues in any sections and all her stances, basics and kata’s were executed well. In kumite Mandy handled all her sparring situations well and showed great maturity and understanding with distance and control. Well done Mandy – keep training hard. Congratulations on your 2nd Kyu!

Lisa McKenzie – 2nd Kyu
Lisa is a very committed and passionate student who always gives 100% in classes and takes her karate very seriously. Lisa trains regularly in classes rarely missing and has also started senior class and all this has brought her karate on in great strides. Lisa’s great attitude and dedication to her training saw her deservedly awarded the role of Sempai in December and she is doing a fantastic job helping out in classes when asked. Lisa is a natural teacher and leader and I have no doubts would make a brilliant Club Instructor in the future. On the grading day she worked hard all afternoon and every section was taken with a great steely determination and focus. Congratulations Lisa keep up the fantastic work – a very well deserved 2nd Kyu!

Laura Brogden – 2nd Kyu
Laura is a brilliant student and another of our fantastic female adult students. She is a pleasure to teach and has a fantastic attitude to all her training. Laura has showed great promise and focus in classes and was recognised for this by being awarded with the role of Sempai back in December at our awards evening. Laura a regular attender of senior class, continues to go from strength to strength and significantly improve between her grades. A brilliant effort from Laura all afternoon showed why she deserved her 2nd Kyu and nothing really troubled her throughout the grading. Her kata’s, basics and stances were all very strong and in the kumite section Laura was outstanding – despite taking a slight knock she carried on with a fantastic and steely attitude and showed how far her character in karate has developed. Brilliant work Laura – Congratulations on your 2nd Kyu!

Matthew Lacy – 1st Kyu
Matthew has trained at the Chorley dojo for a number of years now and really enjoys his karate. He very rarely misses classes, arriving at the dojo early to practice his kata’s before the class start and to go through combinations. He is a brilliant student to teach, always listening and paying attention to everything he is shown, and he isn’t afraid to ask for feedback of anything he is unsure of. Matthew enjoys challenges in training and will practice endlessly until he gets it right. Matthew has waited longer than most to achieve his 1st Kyu but now knows he needs to increase his training – something that I have already spoken to him about, before moving forward again. Matthew has a great attitude though and understands that this is essential for his development as he prepares for his black belt ahead. He worked hard all afternoon at his grading and after a nervous start completed all basics, kata’s and kumite strongly and with confidence showing he has significantly improved in all arears since he last graded. Congratulations on your 1st Kyu Matthew – a very deserving grade!




Junior European Championships Alborg 2019 - News

Home from the Junior European Championships in Aalborg, Denmark and we are so very proud of our students - Nathan Crowther and Jordanna Williams who competed as part of the official England Karate Team.

Nathan who is currently ranked 2nd Nationally for his age and now ranked 5th in Europe with his team, went all the way to the bronze medal match in the Male Team Kata category - narrowly missing out on a European bronze medal by 0.3 points!

Jordanna who was competing individually in the Female Cadet category also did amazingly well and her tough training regime and commitment before the tournament in Aalborg has seen her climb individually as a result to a European ranking of 11th place for her age!

Huge Congratulations to both Nathan and Jordanna - a fantastic achievement from both on their first European outing for their country!


Musuko Karate Academy Students Selected for Junior European Championships 2019!

Two Musuko Karate Academy students - Nathan Crowther and Jordanna Williams have been selected to represent their country as part of the official England Kata Squad in the Junior European Championships in Denmark in February 2019.

Nathan Crowther- who is 17 years of age has been selected as part of the Junior Male Kata team along with two other team members. Nathan who was also in the final two for selection consideration for Junior Male Individual Kata, is now working hard to constantly improve and training is already in the pipeline with his two team members as they prepare for the Championships ahead. A Silver medalist at both the BKF 4 Nations and the BKF Internationals amongst other successful tournament wins, this thougtful and inspiring young man continues to make great progress with his karate and we know he will give it his all when the Championships come around. 

Jordanna Williams - who is just 15 years of age, was successfully selected for the Female Cadet Individual Kata on her first attempt which is an amazing achievement and is again practicing in earnest as she prepares for the Championships next year. Jordanna is a determined athlete and has already plans in place to improve even futher. She is going from strength to strength and successfully won Gold in Female Cadet Individual Kata at the North East Open Championships the week before going for selections. A member of our Elite Squad Team, Jordanna is a lovely girl and definately one to watch for the future! 

Another of our Elite Squad members - Danni Willliams, also did herself and the club proud by being selected in the final two Cadet females in the Individual Kata category on her first attempt at Cadet level. We definately didn't envy the tough task of the coach and referee having to select between Danni and Jordanna for the individual slot - as both girls are amazing!

Danni Williams - who has only just turned 14 years of age is super talented. She has a real steely determination and will definately go far in the future. Danni who is another lovely girl  has already represented England in the Youth Kata Squad qualifying for a place on her first attempt. She competed in Helsinki in August this year and won a Gold medal in the Female Team Kata category with fantastic performances. She was also a Silver Medalist at the BKF 4 Nations Championships , amongst other tournament medal achievements and is also the 2017 Greater Manchester Young Sports Acheiver of the Year which is a fantastic acolade to have! There is no doubt that it's only a matter of time before this young lady is again selected for her country and we cannot wait to see her achieve this. 

Massive Congratulations to all three of the above students - you are all absolutely amazingly talented and we look forward to watching you progress through your karate journeys. We are so proud of you all!! 



Black Belt Grading - Sunday 18th November 2018 - Results

We have had a very busy November here at Musuko Karate Academy which has seen a lot of student’s grade to their next levels at the club Kyu grading and then on Sunday 18th November we held our Black Belt grading at Fleetwood for students who were eligible to grade.

The black belt grading had eight students who were attempting the grade of Shodan-Ho, Shodan or Nidan. Every student would have been obviously nervous and apprehensive at the beginning – and nerves are natural – but not one student ever considered giving up and quitting the grading and I’m extremely proud of each and every one of them for their sheer drive and determination.

Due to the dedication and hard work of instructors and students here at Musuko Karate Academy we had another 100% pass rate!  After what was a bit of a ‘slow start’ getting everyone really focused and ‘switched on’ it turned out to be one of the best black belt gradings we have ever had!

Thank you to all the parents and family members who supported on the day, your support as always means everything and without you all giving up your time to drive your children around to all the classes and events our club wouldn’t be the great club it has become for everyone.

We must mention the people who kindly gave up their day to assist me on the grading panel - our specially invited Sensei, Senior Instructors Sensei Gavin Oliphant, Sensei Martin Thomas and Sensei Martin Wilmot, and helping out with the grading Sensei Jack Churchouse, Sensei Kirsty Churchouse, Junior Instructor’s Nathan Crowther, Taigen Swinburn, Ben Churchouse and Alfie Appleby and students Oliver Spencer and Jordanna Williams. Admin and preparation were once again superbly put together by Sensei Yvonne Crowther and drinks were kindly supplied by Eddie Peak.  Thank you to each and every one  of you. Your commitment to the club does not go unnoticed and I could not do days like black belt gradings without all your help.

We are sure the whole club will join us in Congratulating the students individually named below along with their new ranks.

To get to these grades in Karate takes many, many years of dedication and it takes a very special student to go all the way to black belt and then continue beyond that with their training. Some students simply hang up their belts when they achieve black belt, thinking that is the end result but this action is an awful waste.

We sincerely hope that the students listed below will continue with their training for many years to come as their karate journeys only now truly begin.

Rohan Williams – Shodan – Ho

Rohan is a very dedicated student who has only been training with us for around eight months after joining us from another club. In the time that Rohan has been with us he has turned his karate totally on it’s head. When he joined us he won’t mind me saying that his movements were ‘rather wild and uncontrolled’ but he has worked hard and improved vastly. On the grading day Rohan did brilliantly from the start – he had very good stances and his kata’s were done to an excellent standard with lots of focus and kimae. Rohan had good combinations and stance work and showed some lovely understanding of hips. In the kumite section Rohan did struggle slightly to begin with and tried to outmatch his sparring partners – but he could be forgiven for this as this was his first grading with us and he has had no prior experience of our kumite sections. Rohan however soon settled down and started to show real composure and understanding when sparring and looked like he was really enjoying himself at the end and came through very strong. Congratulations Rohan a fantastic achievement – keep up the brilliant training and focus. A very well deserved Shodan-Ho grade!

Emma Mackie – Shodan-Ho

Emma is a great student who really enjoys her karate and takes it very seriously. Emma has worked hard leading up to her Shodan-Ho grade. She has trained consistently and attended all senior classes she could. She has always progressed well through her grades and her black belt was no exception. Emma is a quieter student so took quite a bit of prompting to overcome her nerves before we really saw the best of her.  On the day after her initial nerves had diminished Emma cracked on with everything she was given with fantastic determination and focus. Her basics and stances were done cleanly and with understanding and her combinations had been practiced well. Emma’s kata’s were also very good and she had no hesitations at all during any of the kata’s asked of her. In the kumite section Emma worked extremely hard and was pushed more than ever before but she took every challenge she was given calmly and in control and showed some fantastic kumite skills. Well done and Congratulations on your Shodan-Ho grade Emma. Awesome work. Keep working hard now for that Shodan grade!

Karen Jackson – Shodan-Ho

Karen is another great female student who really enjoys her karate and is extremely consistent with her training. Karen can be really hard on herself and have a lot of self-doubt, but her confidence is beginning to grow and she is starting to believe in herself more. Karen was very nervous at the start of the grading but after some prompting, she got the better of her nerves and started to display some really good karate. Karen’s basics and stances were all very clean and precise and her combinations had been practiced well. She is very consistent with her training and this showed on the day. Karen also regularly attended senior classes and both have massively helped her leading up to the grading. Karen’s kata’s were done well and she showed no hesitation completing them, she had strong kia’s throughout all her kata’s and this really helped her to show good powerful moves. In the kumite section Karen has always been good and she showed again some great control, focus and understanding. She was totally unfazed by all her sparring partners and kept her composure when pushed very hard. Congratulations on your Shodan-Ho grade Karen, very well deserved.  I look forward to seeing you continue to work hard towards your full rank of Shodan next year. Keep up the fab work!

Max Gray – Shodan – Ho

Max is a lovely gentle young man who always tries his hardest in classes and despite some injury setbacks has kept going and never given up. He regularly attends classes – rarely missing, and he is slowly growing in confidence. Max has worked hard leading up to his Shodan-Ho grade he has attended senior class and listened hard to everything he has been taught. On the grading day Max was very quiet as is his character and just calmly got on with the job in hand. He was determined to achieve his grade and did his best in every section.  He showed good basics and stances and completed his combinations to the best standard he could although he tired very quickly. Max displayed kata’s which were generally good and he kept his focus and composure throughout. In the kumite section Max did brilliantly and really worked hard until the very end. I am extremely proud that Max has bounced back after his injuries and has kept a positive mind set and I know he will continue to work to the best of his ability to obtain his Shodan grade. Congratulations Max – great effort for your Shodan-Ho. Well done!

Naisha Patel – Shodan-Ho

Naisha is another of our younger students, she has been training well this last six months and has vastly improved since her 1st Kyu grade. She has been attending classes regularly as well as senior class and all this helped Naisha massively at her grading. Naisha’s focus has also significantly improved and if Naisha continued to apply herself she really could go far. She has always had fantastic hip work – well advanced for her grade – and her stances have cleaned up an awful lot. On the grading day after temporarily losing her focus at the beginning, Naisha found her niche and started to come alive. She displayed good stance work and combinations and very well practiced kata’s with good kimae. In the kumite section Naisha showed good control and understanding of distance and some lovely kicks which is one of her strong points. Great work from you on the day Naisha – Congratulations on your Shodan-Ho.

Paul Webber – Shodan

Paul is a fantastic student who always trains with every amount of focus and effort he can. He has always trained regularly, rarely missing classes and started attending senior class as soon as he could. He takes his karate very seriously and is always practicing when he can. Paul has worked really hard since his Shodan-Ho grade, he has kept his training up continuously and showed he was really ready to attempt his Shodan. On the grading day Paul gave 100% effort from the start, his basics and stances were very clean and his combinations were strong and with kimae. Paul did very well in his kata’s he displayed good relaxation and a good understanding of hips. In kumite Paul has always been very strong but in his last few gradings he has showed much more control and understanding of distance. He has never been troubled with sparring partners and now shows much more respect to whoever he is working with. Now he has attained his Shodan grade there are lots more challenges ahead for Paul as Shodan is only the beginning.  Congratulations on your Shodan grade Paul – fantastic work. Thoroughly deserved!

Jack Southern – Shodan

Jack is a great young man who again has always trained regularly and tries his hardest in classes. He was the youngest student at the grading, but he didn’t let that faze him at all. Jack has continued to keep his training up since his Shodan-Ho grade, he has struggled at times but has kept going through sheer determination and came through strong on the grading day. He has really worked hard on his weaker points given after his last grading and all credit must go to him for this. Jack did really well on the grading day, after having a few issues concentrating early on in the grading – he really started to come into his own and then showed off all the training he has done over the years. Jack displayed some good basics and stances and in the combination section – one of the hardest things at a black belt grading Jack kept going and didn’t give up.  In the kata section Jack was very calm and his kata’s were done well and with confidence, and you could see that they had been practiced well. In the kumite section Jack coped brilliantly and wasn’t bothered by any sparring challenges at all and was determined to keep going no matter what.  Brilliant work young man! A very well deserved Shodan grade. Congratulations!

Del Knowles – Nidan

Del is a fantastic person to have in the club – he helps out in any way he can and very often does selfless acts of kindness. Del has always trained consistently he tries his hardest in classes and very rarely misses a senior class. Del worked hard leading up to his Nidan grade – despite having some long-term injuries – Del was determined to be fully prepared and really got stuck in at senior class. On the grading day Del was brilliant from the start with loud responses and great focus. He had good basics and stances and his combinations were significantly cleaner than when he attempted his Shodan grade. Del also displayed some great kata’s and showed he has vastly improved in all areas. In the kumite section Del showed some great control and distance, he kept going throughout and showed great respect to all his sparring partners. Congratulations on your Nidan rank Del – I am so pleased and proud of you. Fantastic work well done!

Chris Greenhalgh – Nidan

Chris is another great guy to have in the club – he has trained regularly since his Shodan grade and although having work commitments has got to classes when he can. He listens intently in the dojo and takes his karate seriously. He has worked hard leading up to his Nidan grade and on the grading day gave 100% effort from the very start. He had loud responses and great focus and was determined to do well no matter what. Chris showed generally good stances and basics and well-practiced combinations that were significantly better than his Shodan grade. Chris’s kata’s were really clean and taken with much more confidence than at his last grading, noticeably they were performed well with good focus showing that Chris has continued to grow in confidence.  In the kumite section Chris was pushed very hard but he kept his composure, not once losing his temper and really showed his strong character that he has built up over the years. I am really pleased how Chris did – as Nidan gradings are not easy but Chris handled it all extremely well. Congratulations on your Nidan rank Chris – very well done! Keep up the great work!


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